Friday, 16 April 2021

Report Writing NBC

 W.A.L.T Write informative reports.

In room 2 we have been researching our school New Brighton Catholic school (NBC).

We went around the school searching for facts and things we not have known before,

interviewed Ms Daines (The principal)  I enjoyed writing these reports because we learnt different things about the schools history.

Check out my full report linked here.


Thursday, 15 April 2021

Dear diary on the Waka

W.A.L.T Think critically about what we read 

In my reading group we have been learning about Waka and how it would be on the life as a Waka. All the different people on the Waka have special jobs like a navigator its one of the hardest jobs on the Waka!

We had to create writing of being one of the workers on the Waka and one now in the future on the journey to Samoa here is mine. I hope you like it!

 Here is my one now,

Here is my one on the Waka!

Wednesday, 14 April 2021

My Own Waka!

Building my own Waka!
Today I am building a Waka hope you enjoy my step by step instructions!

If I built a Waka, Step 1: Gather supplies for the Waka. Step 2: Put all the supplies together and get ready to assemble. Step 3: Start to assemble the Waka piece by piece. Step 4: Tie the rope around the wood so its nice and secure. Step 5: Stock the Waka with food water buckets and everything you need. Step 6: Set sail on your journey! 

If you built your own Waka what would you do?
Hope you enjoyed reading my blog post! 

Thinking Hats

W.A.L.T Use thinking skills.

The story I have chosen is Good Friday apart of the  Easter story I chose this story because it is how Jesus died on the cross and how he knew this would happen he knew Judas would betray him. 

We created a slideshow about our chosen story! We worked with a buddy my buddy is Indi-may.

Here is our slideshow. Hope you like it!