Friday 20 March 2020

UNREAL ARCHERY TAG Archery tag is Amazing and here I am going to tell you why. When you play archery tag you have these big bows and arrows. We had to break up into pairs. My pair was Scarlett. That was for practicing we didn't have the targets like you would normally see in stores. We had these targets that had a little wall with holes when you hit them they fall out. The game was like that too. We had to hit people with the arrows and get all of the other teams holes out before they got all ours out.

 We had big inflatable things to hide behind. We were allowed to go into the middle to collect arrows without getting hit. We did this with Mr Gray and a couple of other parents joined in.We played on a big grass field.

 Thank you Living Springs for this amazing experience and for everything you provided. I Would love to go again